GIRODET-TRIOSON Autograph manuscript, ANAKPEONTOS... Lot 31

Autograph manuscript, ANAKPEONTOS O?AI; 17 pages on 10 sheets, mostly 24 x 18 cm, mounted on heavy wove paper in-folio (including 7 sheets written on both sides, window-mounted).
Important working manuscript of his translation of Anacreon.
This manuscript was used for the edition of texts accompanying the collection of compositions engraved by Chatillon in 1825 (as shown by the numbers in the margins by Pierre-Alexandre Coupin, the publisher).
A notebook preserved in the Graphic Arts Department of the Musee du Louvre (RF 54229 acquired in 2005) contains a first attempt at translating Anacreon, in verse, under the title "Imitations d'Anacreon", dated January 4, 1808 (see facsimile and edition by Marie-Pierre Sale, Girodet Imitations d'Anacreon, Louvre editions, Officina Libraria, 2022).
The leaves (6 of which are written on both sides) are numbered 14 to 16, and 18 to 23 (including f. 20 unnumbered). The manuscript is written in brown ink, with numerous erasures and corrections, as well as alternative versions. The odes are here translated into prose; they bear no title (they will receive one in the edition), with the exception of ode 50.
Sheets 14 to 16 present odes 1 to 35: I "I wanted to celebrate Cadmus"...; 3 "Towards the middle of the night, when Calisto's chariot turns"...; 4 "Lying on the tender foliage of lotus greens and flowering myrtles"...; 5 "Let us mingle the roses of love with the pampers of Bacchus"... ; 6 "With rose crowns on our foreheads, we abandon ourselves"... ; 7 "One day Cupid struck me with a hyacinth branch"... ; 8 "Softly resting on the purple of Tyre"... ; 9 "Where do you come from, charming dove? "... ; 10 "A young man wanted to sell a wax love"... ; 11 "I hear women say to me malignantly Anacreon"... ; 14 "At last I have resolved to love"... ; 15 "I desire neither the sceptre nor the treasures of opulent Lydia"... 16 "Tu chantes ami les desastres de Thebes"... 17 "Nouveau Vulcain, faconne ce metal docile"... 18 "Artiste ingenieux, j'attends de ta main savante une coupe"... 20 "Jadis les collines de Phrigie virent la fille de Tantale"... 21 "Femmes charmantes! fill my deep cup"...; 22 "Sit under this cool shade"...; 30 "The virgins of Permesse having surprised the son of Cythera"...; 32 "If your memory can count all the leaves of the forests"...; 34 "Don't run away from me, charming beauty"... 35 "Aimable enfant, j'ignore quel mystere nouveau"...Folio 18 (recto only) is occupied by a large black pencil drawing of a sophist facing a drunken Bacchus, supported by a young woman and child; below the drawing, ode 36 "A quoi bon sophiste ennuyeux m'enseigner les argumens captieux"...
Folio 19 (recto only) is occupied by a large black pencil drawing, depicting the three graces crowned with roses by the flying spring, before Cupid playing the lyre; below the drawing, ode 37: "Vois tu comme a son retour l'aimable printems s'empresse de parer de roses naissantes le front des graces"...
The next leaf (recto only, height 10.5 cm), the upper part of which has been cut off, shows the only text of ode 38: "Je suis vieux il est vrai: mais il s'agit de boire"...
Folio 21 (recto-verso) contains odes 39 to 41: 39 "Quand je bois, mes accens joyeux eclent en l'honneur des muses"...; 40 "Seduced by the radiance of a new rose, Cupid wanted to pluck it"...; 41 "Celebrons le dieu des vendanges"...; 42 "J'aime les danses enjouees du dieu qui preside aux festins"...; 44 "Je goutais les douceurs du sommeil lorsqu'un songe vint abuser mes sens"...
Folio 22 (recto-verso) presents odes 45 to 50; the bottom of the first page, under ode 48, features two black pencil drawings: a sketch of a young flying Bacchus (for ode 48, but the sketch is very different from the engraved composition), and the sketch corresponding to the illustration of ode 47 (an old man led to dance by a naked woman and the young Bacchus).
Bacchus). 45 "Un jour aux antres de Lemnos"... ; 47 "J'aime a voir un vieillard se ivrer a la joie"... ; 48 "Ce dieu puissant qui sait inspirer a la jeunesse"... ; 49 "Quel burin magique a donc ciseler"... ; 50 (La Vendange) "Des beaux adolescens, des vierges charmantes"...
Folio 23 contains odes 51 to 62: 51 "I'll sing this young god"...; 52 "When I see youth frolic"...; 53 "Pedigreed steeds bear the imprint of flame and iron"...; 55 "What a delightful pleasure, oh my friends, to tread beneath his feet"...; 57 "Allons bel e