A Victorian silver-gilt box, possibly for cigarettes, of casket form the cover decorated in relief with the coronet and shield of Dalrymple, Earl of Stair in a geometric cartouche within a surround of foliate scrollwork on frosted ground, rosettes in

A Victorian silver-gilt box, possibly for cigarettes, of casket form the cover decorated in relief with the coronet and shield of Dalrymple, Earl of Stair in a geometric cartouche within a surround of foliate scrollwork on frosted ground, rosettes in each corner, the sides chased with panels of hunting and fishing trophies, a doe and a stag all on frosted ground and flanked by foliate scrolls and rosettes a presentation inscription having been removed from inside cover; by GEORGE ANGELL, 1865, the maker's mark on base overstruck by that of G.R. ELKINGTON acting as retailer and base inscribed `ELKINGTON LONDON' 13.8 x 8.4 x 5cm., 21.25oz. see illustration
