JEAN CHRYSOSTOME (c. 347-407).

JEAN CHRYSOSTOME (c. 347-407).
Greek manuscript (fragment) on parchment, 11th-12th c.; one recto-verso leaf on parchment, 299 x 215 mm; 35 lines on two columns; carbon ink; drypoint rules, Greek foliation "??/I" (19/1); cursive Greek minuscule, slightly italicized, some calligraphic ligatures; rubricated initials, black ink band with interlacing work, red and black ink frieze decorated at the end with a trifoliate motif at the end of the recto of the folio, marginal rubricated quotation marks on the verso of the folio; the leaf bears the marks of an old binding reuse, inner margin trimmed with slight lack of text (2 or 3 letters missing).