Fasciculus myrre, Dit is een sonderlinge devote materie van die passie ons heren Iesu Christi geheeten dat busselkijn oft dat bondelken van myrre (...

Fasciculus myrre, Dit is een sonderlinge devote materie van die passie ons heren Iesu Christi geheeten dat busselkijn oft dat bondelken van myrre (...). Antw., P. Keerberghe, 1565, (224) lvs., woodcut ills., contemp. blindst. panelled calf over wooden boards showing Venus, Pallas Athena and Juno on both covers, w. 2 brass clasps and catches. - Title-p. w. 2 sm. dam. spots in outer blank margin (sl. affecting text on verso and repaired w. Japanese). Corners restored; sm. wormholes in upper joint. = Typographia Batava 1902; BCNI 2077. Very rare edition of this popular 16th century devotional work on the suffering of Christ in an interesting contemporary binding. A fine copy. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV.
