(Scientific encyclopedia) - REISCH, Gregor Margarita philosophica, hoc est Habit...

(Scientific encyclopedia) - REISCH, Gregor Margarita philosophica, hoc est Habituum seu disciplinarum omnium quotquot philosophiae syncerioris ambitu continentur, perfectissima Kuklopaideia [Greek] [...] ab Orontio Finaeo [...] necessarijs aliquot auctarijs locupletata. Basel, S. Henricpetri, March 1583 4to: [40]-1403-[3-2 bl.] pp. (lacking 2 folding engravings with i.a. cordiform world map; toned and dampstained, minor worming in blank bottom margin of quires cc-dd). Contemp. limp vellum, spine on 3 raised bands, bottom edge titled (soiled, new endpapers). Good copy. First published in 1503, Reisch’s (1467-1525) popular encyclopedic work of natural and moral "philosophy" takes the form of a dialogue between master and disciple, and covers a multitude of subjects among which are astronomy, music, geometry, rhetoric, and alchemy. The preface is attributed to Oronce Finé (1494-1555). Large woodcut mark at the end. 1 fold. table. 20 full-page woodcuts and numerous woodcut ill. and astronomical, geometrical, architectural diagrams (i.a. sm. world maps pp. 546 & 1360, a music ensemble p. 342 etc.). Printed music on pp. 368-388, 1170-1193). Ref. VD-16 R-1042. - Adams R-338. - STC German (BL) 731. - Sabin 69131.
Prov. Contemp. ownership entries on title (deleted).