# - Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji. , Collection of five typed letters signed ("Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji"), to the editor, and to W. McNaught, of The Musical Times

an animated and detailed series of letters in defence of Rachmaninov, particularly concerning his use of arpeggio figuration in the Third Piano Concerto, and discussing Sorabji's own works and perceived denigration by English musical journalism ...This controversy originated with your - and other critics' - expressed or implied dismissal of Rachmaninoff as a composer of small significance or importance, plus a statement on a point of fact definitely and glaringly at variance with the facts. I adduced evidence to shew the very high estimation in which Rachmaninoff was and is held by musicians of supreme eminence. You proceeded to introduce - after the manner of journalists - various ungermane and impertinent irrelevancies, regarding myself, my position as a critic and what not. From this, you have now gone on to dragging Delius, Busoni and Mahler into the discussion! Given time you will doubtless drag in the music of interstellar space as well... 6 pages, 4to, with numerous handwritten corrections and words or phrases typed in red, London, 26 February to 1 November 1941; together with: a page-proof of a letter by Clinton Gray-Fisk to The Musical Times , one typed letter signed from W. McNaught and one unsigned carbon copy of another letter