Visigothic capital of Corinthian inspiration; 6th-8th century.Carved marble.It shows faults and wear

Visigothic capital of Corinthian inspiration; 6th-8th century.
Carved marble.
It shows faults and wear in the carving.
Measurements: 32 x 34 x 30 cm.
Marble capital that has been conceived through an aesthetic of classical inspiration that rescues one of the classical orders (Ionic, Doric and Corinthian), specifically the Corinthian order. The creation of the Corinthian order is attributed to the Greek sculptor Callimachus in the 4th century BC. It is basically the same as the Ionic order, but differs from it in the shape and size of the capital. It is the most ornate of the three main classical orders, and although it is of Greek origin it was mainly used in Roman architecture. carving. When the Visigoths left Italy under Ataulf, they moved towards the centre and south of Gaul, passing from there to the Iberian Peninsula. The Visigothic Kingdom of Toulouse (Toulouse, France) then managed to conquer more territory on the peninsula, until Alaric II was defeated by the Franks, losing the French possessions and giving way to the so-called Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo, a period of great importance in the arts (characterised by a clear maintenance of Roman models together with Byzantine influences) and culture in general, which ended with the entry of the Muslims around the beginning of the 7th century.
