Murray Cards (International) Limited

The auction house is located in:
Country: United Kingdom
Address: London
Contact: [email protected]

House Revenue

2000: 100,681 $

1998: 65,256 $

1997: 244,694 $

1996: 480,619 $

1995: 632,770 $

1994: 296,507 $

The data is presented in test mode and may be inaccurate. We are trying to improve our service.

Total sales - 119

Postal Auction of Cigarette & Trade Cards
Total lots: 603 Sale date: 2012-01-22
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 603 Sale date: 2011-12-18
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 603 Sale date: 2011-11-20
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 603 Sale date: 2011-10-16
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 603 Sale date: 2011-09-18
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2011-08-21
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2011-06-19
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2011-04-17
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2011-03-20
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 468 Sale date: 2011-02-20
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2011-01-16
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-12-19
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-11-21
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-10-17
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-09-19
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-08-15
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-07-18
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-06-20
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-05-16
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-04-18
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2010-01-16
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-12-20
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-11-15
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards (Postal)
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-09-20
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards (Postal)
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-08-16
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards (Postal)
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-07-19
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards (Postal)
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-06-21
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-04-19
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-02-15
Postal Auction of Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2009-01-18
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2008-12-21
Auction No. 381 Cigarette & other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2008-11-16
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards - Postal Auction
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2008-08-17
Cigarette & Other Trade Cards
Total lots: 469 Sale date: 2008-07-20
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