Antique Finds Ltd

The auction house is located in:
Country: United Kingdom
Address: Royston
Contact: [email protected]

House Revenue
The data is presented in test mode and may be inaccurate. We are trying to improve our service.

Total sales - 6

Antiques and General
Total lots: 268 Sale date: 2008-01-19
Antiques and General
Total lots: 254 Sale date: 2007-10-20
Antiques and General
Total lots: 279 Sale date: 2007-07-07
Total lots: 350 Sale date: 2007-07-01
Antiques and General
Total lots: 285 Sale date: 2007-04-14
Antique Finds Ltd Sale 2006-07-28 00:00:00
Total lots: 634 Sale date: 2006-07-28