
The auction house is located in:
Country: Russian Federation
Address: Moscow
Contact: [email protected]

House Revenue

2019: 464,415 $

2017: 1,009,977 $

2014: 561,400 $

The data is presented in test mode and may be inaccurate. We are trying to improve our service.

Total sales - 6

500 years of Russian Art
Total lots: 212 Sale date: 2019-11-30
Pre-Revolutionary Antiques and Soviet-Era Memorabilia
Total lots: 360 Sale date: 2017-11-25
Erotic Collection
Total lots: 171 Sale date: 2016-04-09
Geography & Worldwide Travelling
Total lots: 233 Sale date: 2014-11-15
Russian and Western European Art
Total lots: 213 Sale date: 2014-04-19