Kunsthandel Muras & Partner

The auction house is located in:
Country: Germany
Address: Dortmund
Contact: [email protected]

House Revenue
The data is presented in test mode and may be inaccurate. We are trying to improve our service.

Total sales - 8

Kunst und Antiquitaetenauktion
Total lots: 247 Sale date: 2019-01-26
Art & Atiques Christmas Sale
Total lots: 310 Sale date: 2018-12-01
Total lots: 207 Sale date: 2018-11-10
Art & Antiques
Total lots: 194 Sale date: 2018-10-20
Art & Antiques
Total lots: 194 Sale date: 2018-10-20
Kunst- und Antiquitaetenauktion
Total lots: 223 Sale date: 2018-09-15
Kunst und Antiquitaetenauktion
Total lots: 173 Sale date: 2018-06-23