The auction house is located in:
Country: Germany
Address: Berlin
Contact: [email protected]

House Revenue

2024: 2,939,222 $

2023: 4,217,063 $

2022: 5,190,718 $

2021: 4,023,266 $

2020: 2,535,401 $

2019: 1,743,279 $

2018: 2,999,616 $

2017: 2,209,124 $

2016: 3,895,604 $

2015: 1,934,334 $

2014: 580,082 $

The data is presented in test mode and may be inaccurate. We are trying to improve our service.

Total sales - 94

Modern Art, Graphics & Photography
Total lots: 936 Sale date: 2024-05-11
Erotica – Collection of Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Total lots: 126 Sale date: 2024-05-10
Modern Literature, Erotica, Photobooks & Posters
Total lots: 534 Sale date: 2024-05-10
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2460 Sale date: 2024-05-09
Science, Natural History & Curiosities
Total lots: 185 Sale date: 2024-05-09
Autographs, Old Books, Travel Photography & Prints
Total lots: 689 Sale date: 2024-05-09
Auction 24: Modern Art, Graphics and Photography
Total lots: 973 Sale date: 2023-11-11
Auction 24: Dieter Roth & Rudolf Rieser
Total lots: 170 Sale date: 2023-11-10
Auction 24: Modern Literature, Erotica and Posters
Total lots: 561 Sale date: 2023-11-10
Auction 24: Autographs, Rare Books, Photography and Prints
Total lots: 565 Sale date: 2023-11-09
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2269 Sale date: 2023-11-09
Auction 23: Modern Art and Photography
Total lots: 653 Sale date: 2023-05-13
Auction 23: Intermedia & Fluxus and Friends
Total lots: 776 Sale date: 2023-05-12
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2400 Sale date: 2023-05-11
Auction 22 - Modern Literature, Erotica, Posters & Fluxus
Total lots: 806 Sale date: 2022-11-12
Auction 22 - Modern Art, Graphics & Photography
Total lots: 592 Sale date: 2022-11-11
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2288 Sale date: 2022-11-10
Auction 21: Modern Art, Graphics & Photography
Total lots: 656 Sale date: 2022-05-21
Auction 21: Modern Literature, Erotica & Viennese Actionism
Total lots: 845 Sale date: 2022-05-20
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2196 Sale date: 2022-05-19
Auction 20: Science, Natural History & Curiosities
Total lots: 181 Sale date: 2021-11-27
Auction 20: Modern Art, Graphics & Photography
Total lots: 400 Sale date: 2021-11-27
Auction 20: Modern Literature, Erotica & Posters
Total lots: 427 Sale date: 2021-11-26
Auction 20: Russian Avant-Garde
Total lots: 193 Sale date: 2021-11-26
Auction 20: Autographs, Books, Travel Photography & Prints
Total lots: 519 Sale date: 2021-11-25
Rare and Valuable Books, modern Art, Prints and Photographs
Total lots: 2476 Sale date: 2021-11-25
Auction 19: Modern Art, Graphics and Photography
Total lots: 583 Sale date: 2021-05-15
Auction 19: Modern Literature, Erotica and Posters
Total lots: 796 Sale date: 2021-05-14
Auction 18: Modern Art, Graphics & Photography
Total lots: 479 Sale date: 2020-11-21
Auction 18: Russian Avant-Garde
Total lots: 272 Sale date: 2020-11-21
Auction 18: Science, Natural History & Curiosities
Total lots: 203 Sale date: 2020-11-20
Auction 18: Modern Literature, Erotica & Posters
Total lots: 546 Sale date: 2020-11-20
Seltene und wertvolle Buecher, Kunst und Photographie
Total lots: 2188 Sale date: 2020-11-19
Auction 17: Counterculture - The H. D. Heilmann Collection
Total lots: 222 Sale date: 2020-05-16
Auction 17: Modern Art and Photography
Total lots: 561 Sale date: 2020-05-16
Auction 17: Russian Avant-Garde
Total lots: 314 Sale date: 2020-05-15
Auction 17: Modern Literature, Erotica and Posters
Total lots: 569 Sale date: 2020-05-15
Rare Books, Art & Photography
Total lots: 2408 Sale date: 2020-05-14
Special Auction: Science, Natural History and Curiosities
Total lots: 225 Sale date: 2019-10-26
Auction 16: Modern Literature, Erotica and Posters
Total lots: 589 Sale date: 2019-10-25
Auction 16: Modern Art, Graphics and Photography
Total lots: 400 Sale date: 2019-10-25
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